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Nana Osei Twum Barima

The young talented harp-lute player, singer, percussionist and dancer Nana Osei (° 1999) grew up in Ghana. At a tender age, he learnt to play the seperewa (Ghanaian harp-lute), a family instrument. He inherited the musical depth built up over the years since his great-grandfather.

Nana Osei studied Ghanaian music and dance at the Music Department of the University of Education (Winneba, Ghana). Later on, he also studied the traditional music and dances of the Akan people.

Next to the seperewa (Ghanaian harp-lute) Nana intertwines in his performances the subtle mbira (thumb piano), besides a range of percussion including the thigh and water gourd(Densuom), the Ghanaian percussion box(Prenpensiwa), bamboo percussion(Adweke), drumming and dance.

He describes his musical style as purely traditional west African music, the Kundum music, Akom music, Palmwine music and Nwomkro music influences his song writings.

His musical path may have started in Ghana, but today Nana Osei is building an artistic career from Ghent (Belgium).

foto Nana Osei Twum Barima © Shalan Alhamwy